Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Beginning

 Welcome to the Mythology & Mythical creatures blog.  My friend and I have created this sight to give you the REAl truth about mythical creatures and all their secrets from the research we do I.  I am Lilia and my friend is Sasha.  We will expose all of our secrets to YOU!

The first entry: Dragons
The second entry: Mermaids
The third entry: Fairies
The fourth entry: Unicorns


Dragons control parts of Earth.  There are:
 Sea Dragons.
Info.: Mermaids are known to keep sea dragons as pets. They breathe water
Wind Dragons
Info.: They control the wind. They cause tornadoes and hurricanes.

 Lightning Dragons
Info. : They control the weather. They Cause Earthquakes

Fire Dragons
Info. They start wild fires and they sleep for thousands of years. they live in volcanoes. When they wake up, they are angry, so then a volcano erupts. A dormant volcano is a volcano with my fire dragon inside of it